The Real Reason Sean Connery Wasn't On Her Majesty's Secret Service's James Bond

 Daniel Craig earned his props by bringing the iconic superspy James Bond into step with the modern age, presenting a grittier, more grounded, and, at times, downright vulnerable version of the character. Despite his best efforts, though, there's a portion of the Bond fandom that would still pick the first actor to bring Ian Fleming's creation to the big screen — the late Sean Connery — as the one who did it best. And who can blame them, really?

In a breakdown of Bond films for The Oscar's A.frame, Connery's third outing as 007, 1964's "Goldfinger," was described as "the quintessential Bond film." Perhaps more than any other, it is that aspect — the fact that Connery and the Bond films he starred in established a franchise formula that was still palpable in Craig's "No Time to Die" swan song — which has allowed the Connery Bond to reach such a lofty perch.

Still, a closer examination of Connery's Bond filmography reveals a peculiar anomaly.  After thrilling audiences in five stints as Agent 007, culminating with his turn in the bombastic "You Only Live Twice," Connery was replaced by George Lazenby for 1969's "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" before returning in "Diamonds Are Forever" two years later. Lazenby's single-film portrayal drew mixed reviews and left moviegoers to wonder why Connery was replaced at all. Here's the dirt on what went down between Connery and Bond's producers at the time ...


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