Macbeth': A spooky and very faithful adaptation of Joel Coen for Apple TV + leaks into cutting-edge horror brand A24

 Director Joel Coen works for the first time alone on ' Macbeth ' (The Tragedy of Macbeth, 2021), an adaptation of Shakespeare's play with a fantastic lens and an almost surreal approach , drawing inspiration from other adaptations of the play while creating a his own version that bears his mark on each frame, connecting with his traditional vision of the characters doomed to doom that his filmography has shown.

Perhaps for this reason, Coen's return to the black and white format has to do with the noir sensibility of the story: dark plans, betrayals and the decisions that lead to calamity that have marked the destinies of his characters since his first film and that this evokes occasion, not coincidentally, to the conscious chiaroscuro ' the man who was never there ' (the man who was not there, 2001) just when met 20 years after its premiere, which already appeared Frances McDormand.

Terror in Macbeth Adaptations

'MacBeth' has seen many film versions, one of them recent and with an expansive production that correctly transferred the work to the current market landscape, for this reason it is striking that only five years later Apple and A24 re-represent the text. It is a work that has notably been translated into film, beginning with the version by Orson Welles in 1948 , who used a series B budget to turn it into a practically expressionist gothic horror noir . Simple and theatrical sets, which conveyed the same kind of sensibility as works like ' Häxan ' (1922) or Murnau's ' Faust ' (1926).


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