At last alone at home': a well-intentioned sequel for Disney + that pales before the mythical original film with Macaulay Culkin

 Not long ago I told you that 'Ghostbusters: Beyond' was an exercise in nostalgia that seemed designed not to upset anyone . An understandable movement after the hatred generated in a certain sector of the public by 'Ghostbusters' , but also worrying because it opens the door to more sequels or somewhat aseptic reboots and with little to contribute, just what has happened in the case of ' Por sin solo at home ' .

Sixth installment of the franchise started by the mythical Christmas movie starring Macaulay Culkin , 'At last alone at home' is one of the launches for the celebration of Disney + Day. I confess that I did not have much hope for it, since replicating the charm of the original film seemed like an impossible mission to me, and it has been. At least it's not a copy, either and has an unmistakable well-intentioned spirit, but there is little to scratch beyond that.

Little to offer

es, the premise of the film could not sound more familiar with a child ( Archie Yates ) who is left home alone and burglars break into the house. The news comes in the details that surround all that, especially in relation to the criminal duo played by Ellie Kemper and Rob Delaney , which offers a different perspective of everything that happens, thus justifying to some extent recovering the saga from these heights.

As I mentioned before, there is at all times a well-intentioned spirit that is what really defines 'At last alone at home', as if it were seeking to carry out a Christmas pastime as smooth as possible to try to reach absolutely all types of public, something that is even perceived in the peculiar cocktail of references that he uses, from 'Superdetective in Hollywood' to 'Harry Potter' , without forgetting the inevitable nods to the first 'Home Alone' , including one to the emblematic fake movie that appears in her.

The main problem with this is that it ends up being the main reason why 'At last alone at home' ends up being a very generic family pastime at all levels , from the staging of Dan Mazer lacking visual incentives, looking more as a film designed for the television market without paying any attention to the treatment of images, even the vulgar script by Mikey Day and Streeter Seidell . Something better is the work of his cast, but more in comparison with the rest than because someone deserves to be highlighted.

No charm

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